Monday 18 July 2016


His complete name is “Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider”.
He was also called with the names as followed:

·         J.C.R.
·         Lick
·         Computing’s Johnny Appleseed

He was born on 11 March 1915 in “St. Louis, Missouri”. He completed his education from Washington University and University of Rochester.

From Washington University he attained three bachelor degrees in 1937, given below:
        ·         Physics
        ·         Mathematics
        ·         Psychology

And in 1938 he obtained his M.A. in Psychology from the same university. He received his Ph. D in psychoacoustics in 1942 from University of Rochester.

His spouse name was “Louise Carpenter” and he had two children.

He was an American Computer Scientist and Psychologist. He is considered very important part of Computer Science and Computer History. He was known for “Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Intergalactic Computer Network”. He is also known as father of internet.

He died on “26, June 1990” in the age of 75 in “Symmes Hospital, Arlington, Massachusetts”. 

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